De redaktie van Science heeft de XMRV-studie van Mikovits (2009) geheel teruggetrokken.
Opmerkelijk: niet alle auteurs hebben ingestemd met het terugtrekken van het artikel.
Daarmee verdwijnt mogelijkerwijs opnieuw de retrovirus-ME/CVS-link naar de prullenbak.
Met de argumentatie
"evidence of poor quality control in a number of specific experiments"
geeft de redaktie van Science eigenlijk zichzelf (achteraf) ook een brevet van onvermogen.
Opvallend is voorts dat de bevindingen van de Lo/Alter-studie nooit aangevallen zijn.
XMRV paper withdrawn
December 22, 2011, 2:45 pm,
Daniel Cressey
Unusually, Science has decided to retract the paper without the full agreement of the authors.
"We note that the majority of the authors have agreed in principle to retract the Report
but they have been unable to agree on the wording of their statement.
It is Science’s opinion that a retraction signed by all the authors is unlikely to be forthcoming.
Jonathan Stoye [.] said it was "no surprise" that the paper had been retracted.
"The writing’s been on the wall for a time and the font’s been getting larger," he said.
In a rare move, Science without authors' consent retracts paper
that tied mouse virus to chronic fatigue syndrome
by Jon Cohen on 22 December 2011, 11:16 AM
Mikovits says this $2.3 million study,
funded by the U.S. National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases,
also factored in to the decision not to sign the full retraction.
"We think it's premature to do anything before it's complete," says Mikovits,
who estimates they will have results within 2 months.
Alberts strongly disagrees.
"I think they should cancel that study," says Alberts.
"It's over. They can't do the assays, so what's the point?
Why should that give any different result than the blood group study?
Maybe us retracting will help them scale back how much money they've spent on that.
It seems like an incredible waste."