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niet gevonden

in ME/CVS-patiënten






De resultaten van de Lipkin-studie zijn onlangs gepubliceerd in mBio.

Zoals te verwachten was konden de onderzoekers XMRV/MLV niet detecteren in het bloed.


Volgens de media is, geheel ten onrechte, nu elke link naar virussen weerlegd...


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Lipkin roemt in een interview met Nature de moed en de integriteit van Mikovits.




The scientist who put the nail in XMRV's coffin


W. Ian Lipkin tells Nature about his efforts to validate the link between retroviruses and chronic fatigue syndrome.


Ewen Callaway

18 September 2012



Do you think the CFS community and the scientists involved will accept these results?


I certainly hope so. I feel very badly for Mikovits, [her co-author] Ruscetti and Harvey Alter [a hematologist at the NIH Clinical Center in Bethesda, Maryland, who led one of the CFS studies]. Mikovits in particular — she has lost everything. She can be wrong but she's not a criminal. She has been honest in a respectful, forceful way and said that we have to conclude that we were wrong. You can imagine how difficult it must be, and I think she should be applauded. Lots of people wouldn’t have the balls to do that. She has come across as a scientist who really believes in the importance of truth.




What do you say to the CFS community to stop them from thinking that scientists will turn their back on CFS when this study is complete?


I have to agree with them that they’ve not received the attention that other groups have had. They’ve tried to take a page from people who work in autism, who looked at HIV/AIDS, breast cancer and so on, and the CFS community has not been as vocal and effective as they might be.






Uit de transcriptie van de TWIV-special waarin Vincent Racaniello Ian Lipkin interviewt,

terug te vinden op de facebook-pagina van XMRV Global Action (klik hier),

komen een aantal opmerkelijke zaken naar voren:


Volgens Lipkin besloten mensen binnen het WPI de eindverantwoordelijkheid voor de

XMRV-theorie naar Mikovits te verplaatsen toen duidelijk werd dat de hypothese wankelde.



Lipkin onderzocht in de jaren '90 een mogelijke relatie tussen het Borna-virus en ME/CFS.

De patiënten bleken in zin onderzoek Eliza-positief en Western blot-negatief voor dit virus.


Lipkin stelt in het interview:


"[A]t the end of the paper, I concluded, "These patients are clearly sick in some way.

They have some immunological activation. I don't know why. But it's not bornavirus".


"I am convinced, after working in this field (infectious diseases/immunology) for a very long time, that this is a bona fide syndrome. I don't believe that it necessarily has a single cause."



Racaniello en Lipkin onderkennen wel degelijk een mogelijke (hoofd)rol

voor virussen en/of andere pathogenen in ME/CVS:




I would agree with XMRV and PMLv as you’ve shown here,

but maybe somewhere else in the body

there is another virus or pathogen that is causing this (disease).




I am heavily invested (professionally) in that search.




In de media:










A multicenter blinded analysis indicates no association between chronic fatigue syndrome/myalgic encephalomyelitis and either xenotropic murine leukemia virus-related virus or polytropic murine leukemia virus.

mBio 3(5):e00266-12. doi:10.1128/mBio.00266-12.

Alter HA, Mikovits JA, Switzer WM, Ruscetti FW, Lo SC, Klimas NG, Komaroff AL, Montoya JG, Bateman L, Levine S, Peterson D, Levin B, Hanson MR, Genfi A, Bhat M, Zheng HQ, Wang R, Li B, Hung GC, Lee LL, Sameroff S, Heneine W, Coffin J, Hornig M, Lipkin WI.





The disabling disorder

known as chronic fatigue syndrome or myalgic encephalomyelitis (CFS/ME)

has been linked in two independent studies to infection with

xenotropic murine leukemia virus-related virus (XMRV) and

polytropic murine leukemia virus (pMLV).


Although the associations were not confirmed in subsequent studies by other investigators,

patients continue to question the consensus of the scientific community

in rejecting the validity of the association.


Here we report blinded analysis of peripheral blood from a rigorously characterized,

geographically diverse population of 147 patients with CFS/ME and 146 healthy subjects

by the investigators describing the original association.


This analysis reveals no evidence of either XMRV or pMLV infection.





Chronic fatigue syndrome/myalgic encephalomyelitis

has an estimated prevalence of 42/10,000 in the United States,

with annual direct medical costs of $7 billion.


Here, the original investigators

who found XMRV and pMLV (polytropic murine leukemia virus)

in blood of subjects with this disorder

report that this association is not confirmed in a blinded analysis of samples

from rigorously characterized subjects.


The increasing frequency with which molecular methods

are used for pathogen discovery

poses new challenges to public health and support of science.


It is imperative that strategies be developed to rapidly and coherently address discoveries

so that they can be carried forward for translation to clinical medicine or

abandoned to focus resource investment more productively.


Our study provides a paradigm for pathogen dediscovery

that may be helpful to others working in this field.





Volledige studieverslag:





Met dank aan Lajla en talloze anderen.